

After finishing our final, I thought it would be a good idea to look back at how we've progressed with our shot task, preliminary and final thriller! Instead of all 3 full videos, I decided to create my own gifs of some of my favourite scenes in them all. via GIPHY The 2 gifs above are from our first 20 second clip we filmed - oh how time flies! I was the antagonist that murdered the protagonist (Holly) with a wooden stick that's meant to be a knife. via GIPHY via GIPHY The next 2 above were from our preliminary task called The Deed. I'm really proud of the POV shot we took from the protagonist (me), before the antagonist beat me! via GIPHY via GIPHY via GIPHY As you can tell from our final, we didn't edit the entire film into black and white like we did with the others, instead we colour corrected - changing the shadows, saturation etc. via GIPHY This final gif is taken from mine and Holly's video response to Q7 of the evaluation, an


Finally, 6 questions later, we give you the question 7 of our evaluation! Just like question 4&5, we filmed this answer by a video response in order to give the evaluation a little diversity... Find out below everything that changed since our preliminary task (SPOILER: a lot changed). 


Created using Visme . An easy-to-use Infographic Maker. Q6 #2 by Em Grasby




Its important to note that Media 2.0 means that anyone could distribute a film themselves, but would anyone actually bother paying attention to it? That's why it's important to add on ways that I would   market my film. I would begin by creating social media pages such as Twitter and Facebook, which I would use to post the very first teaser trailer onto. With this teaser trailer would be a hashtag - for example '#Disclosure2017'. The idea of this is to create what's called a 'buzz', which uses viral marketing in order to share the teaser trailer across social media through the hashtag. Hopefully, when a certain twitter user 'retweets' or 'likes' content published by the Whatever Productions account, the followers of that user will also see it - leading them to share the content to their followers etc. As you can probably tell by my explanation, this viral markets the thriller to a wider audience, including a specific range that might not ha

